home > D Geek's Travels > Pictures > Friday, August 30, 2013 - Page 18 of 70 - << previous page : next page >>
There was an area set up to eat.. and a cart selling hot dogs and other items that was fairly reasonable by tourist place standards.  I want to say the hot dog was $3.  Not quite Costco prices or standards but still good compared to everywhere else.
There was an area set up to eat.. and a cart selling hot dogs and other items that was fairly reasonable by tourist place standards. I want to say the hot dog was $3. Not quite Costco prices or standards but still good compared to everywhere else. Click to switch to large image view
And the view from the tables was incredible.
And the view from the tables was incredible. Click to switch to large image view
A look at our ticket for the memorial.  We still had nearly an hour.
A look at our ticket for the memorial. We still had nearly an hour. Click to switch to large image view
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